Feature Article in "Argus Leader" - Sioux Falls, SD - April 18, 2002
versity of Arizona's Optical Sci-
ences Center, he developed a
deeper understanding of what
makes telescopes work, and
began building them himself. He
completed 12 telescopes, the
deflating physically at the memory.
"But so many people helped me.
And I eventually started over."
One of the local firefighters that
night was Frank Slater, a profes-
sional tile setter from Quinn who
and rotates around a cement core
that provides a rock-solid base for
the telescope, which he built for
$16,000, rather than the commer-
cial price of $200,000.
it's not like these things run in clus-
ters. And researchers won't expect
any problem soon. But they also
believe that determining hazards
for the future makes sense.
the middle of a dream that began
decades ago, when the Palomar
Observatory in Southern Califor-
nia was his starry-eyed mecca.
See photo of presentation to Governor William J. Janklow on April 29, 2002.