-----Original Message-----
From: Farwell, Sherry O.As you may recall, Julius asked Tom Durkin of the
SDSGC to head a committee that is tasked to investigate how Space Grant Consortia can
develop more partnerships and linkages with State governmental entities. Members of this
committee include Bill Hiscock (MT), Janice DeCosmo (WA), Jim Taranik (NV), Mary Sandy
(VA), Kevin Dalsted (SD), and Tom Durkin (SD). The primary goal of this committee is to
explore, develop and assess ways to involve more State government interactions with Space
Grant Consortia activities. The committee's findings will be summarized during the
National Council of Space Grant Director's meeting in Salt Lake City in October. To assist
the committee in accomplishing its tasks, please respond to the following four
five questions (note: fifth question added on July 27, 2000):
1) What linkages does your Consortium presently have with State governmental entities?
2) How were these linkages established?
3) What additional linkages with State government would benefit your Consortium?
4) What have proven to be the most effective mechanisms for the development of partnerships between State governmental entities and your Consortium?
5) How much has your Space Grant Consortium received in recent years from your State government?
Please e-mail your responses by July 14, 2000 directly to Tom at Thomas.Durkin@sdsmt.edu
Thanks in advance for your assistance!!
Sherry Farwell
SD Space Grant Consortium
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