(Cedar Shore Hotel, Chamberlain, SD)
(August 4, 2000)

11:30 am    General Announcements & Goals for Today's Meeting

11:35 am     Review of NASA-EPSCoR Proposal Guidelines & Deadlines

11:50 am     Discussion of Proposal Plans A & B and Selection of a Plan

12:15 pm     Summary of People Linkages Established To-Date

12:30 pm     Working Lunch is Served, Brief Break

12:45 pm     Review of Potentially Relevant Titles & Numbers from NASA Research                      Compendium

1:00 pm     Identify Major Research Themes for SD Proposal and Corresponding Titles                    & Numbers from Compendium

2:30 pm     Develop Shared Writing Plan and Time-Table; Select Writing Teams and                     Tail Twisters

3:45 pm     Obtain Suggestions for TAC members

4:00 pm     Other Items and Future Steps

4:30 pm     Adjourn


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