----Original Message-----
From: Steven Bard [mailto:steven.bard@jpl.nasa.gov]
Sent: Friday, February 11, 2000 3:11 PM
To: kevin_dalsted@sdstate.edu
Subject: SAR User Working Group
As a follow-up to the Houston workshop, it was recommended that JPL facilitate the
formation of a SAR Users Working Group (SUWG). This group is being formed to provide
direct communication between the Users of SAR data products and the managers, planners,
developers, and operators of the new U.S. Earth Imaging Radar Satellite Mission, and to
provide strong, unified mission advocacy.
We are presently preparing a draft SUWG Charter. We envision that this group will consist
of about 10-12 members, representing major User segments, including forestry,
agribusiness, precision farming, petroleum industry, value added industry, science,
operational, environmental, University remote sensing, etc. These SUWG members would
represent the interests of, and be expected to establish communication with, other Users
from their segment. We expect that there may be approximately 4 SUWG meetings per year, as
necessary, to address mission issues that arise. However, the initial focus of the SUWG
will be to articulate and inform key decision-makers of the benefits and importance of
this new SAR mission.
John Vona of The Timber Company has been appointed as the Acting SUWG Chair by Ghassem
Asrar. I am writing this message to invite you to be a member of SUWG, as a representative
of Precision Farming Users. There will be a separate SUWG member representing agribusiness
from industry. Your experience and background in remote sensing and SAR precision farming
applications, knowledge of potential SAR Users, and past strong mission advocacy would
provide a vital asset to the success of the SUWG. I hope we can count on your
We are planning a SUWG meeting on March 15-16 (tentative) in the Washington, D.C. area.
The first day will be an open meeting that addresses action items from the Houston
Workshop, introduces the SUWG members, and has the Users align themselves with their SUWG
representatives. The second day will be a smaller meeting of just the SUWG representatives
to develop a focused advocacy action plan. SUWG representatives will then contact their
constituents to solicit their assistance in implementing the action plan.
I will contact you shortly, when the SUWG meeting logistics are finalized, and then again
prior to the March meeting to discuss meeting objectives and strategy.
With the interest and pro-active participation of yourself and other SAR users, we have an
exciting opportunity to convince the decision-makers that the U.S. should move forward now
with this preeminent SAR mission. Please let me know of your interest and availability as
soon as possible, and feel free to contact me with any questions or comments. If you
accept, a formal appointment letter from NASA will follow.
Thanks for all your support so far. I am looking forward to your response.
Best regards,
Steven Bard
MS 300-329
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
4800 Oak Grove Dr.
Pasadena, CA 91109
Voice: (818) 354-4487
FAX: (818) 393-3343
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