Dr. Perry H. Rahn, CPG
Professor Emeritus, SD School of Mines & Technology, Department of Geology and Geological Engineering
2002 Richard H. Jahns Distinguished Lecturer in Engineering Geology

Dr. Perry H. Rahn was honored to be chosen for the year 2002 as the "Richard H. Jahns Distinguished Lecturer in Engineering Geology". This award was established by the Association of Engineering Geologists and the Engineering Geology Division of the Geological Society of America. The award provides funding for the presentation of lectures at academic institutions.  Dr. Rahn is a member of the South Dakota Section, American Institute of Professional Geologists.

Click here for article titled "Rahn Tours U.S. as Jahns Lecturer" from the February 2003 issue of SDSM&T FOUNDATION Update.

SD Section, AIPG Homepage