SD Section AIPG - Field Trip montage
                                                                                                 (2000 - 2016)

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SD Section, AIPG - Field Trip to Homestake Mine.  Photos taken at 7,400 foot level of mine.  Date is believed to be October 2000.

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SD Section, AIPG - Field Trip to Badlands National Park
(August 18, 2001). Photos taken by Mely Rahn and Vern Vigoren at top of Sheep Mountain Table.

SD Section, AIPG - May 31, 2003 Field Trip.  Photos taken by Tom Durkin at Jewel Cave and Pegmatite Mines

SD Section, AIPG - August 6, 2005 Field Trip.  Field trip leader Jay Gilbertson explains glacial geology of surrounding area atop a grout (waste rock) pile at Milbank Granite Quarries

SD Section, AIPG - August 18, 2007 Field Trip.  Hugo, Gold Mountain, Etta (a gold-bearing quartz vein mine), and Holy Terror (not pictured) Mines, Black Hills, SD

SD Section, AIPG - August 15, 2008 Field Trip.  Tour of Sanford Underground Science and Engineering Laboratory at Homestake.

SD Section, AIPG - August 22, 2009 Field Trip focused on the hydrogeology of the east-central Black Hills.  On left, Larry Putnam, U.S. Geological Survey, discusses stream flow information with field trip participants at a weir along Rapid Creek.  At right, Dr. Perry Rahn discusses the “great unconformity” at an excellent exposure northwest of Rapid City, SD.  Flat-lying strata of the Cambrian Deadwood Fm. overlie nearly vertical Precambrian metasediments.

SD Section, AIPG - August 7, 2010 Field Trip conducted on a section of the Missouri River.  It was attended by 23 people and included 14 kayaks and 4 canoes.  The trip began at Myron Grove boat ramp on the South Dakota side and ended at the Mulberry Bend boat ramp on the Nebraska side .

SD Section, AIPG - August 20, 2011 Field Trip. The trip focused on the geology of Bear Butte in the north-eastern Black Hills and included a hike to the summit. Prior to the group hike up to the summit, Dr. Larry Stetler, discussed electronic data collection including a) LiDAR, b) photogrammetry, c) hand-held devices (I-Pad, etc.), and 4) upper-level GPS running ArcPad.

September 2012 Field Trips held in the Black Hills during AIPG's 2012 National Conference hosted by the SD Section in Rapid City, SD

SD Section, AIPG - September 12, 2015 Field Trip focused on the Deadwood Formation in the Black Hills of South Dakota and “Frac Sand” Potential, led by SD Section President Derric Iles and
other staff members of the SD Geological Survey including 
Mark Fahrenbach, Tom Marshall, and Brian Fagnan.  Click here for Field Guide and Driving Route.

SD Section, AIPG - June 4, 2016 Field Trip: Canoe/kayak trip along the Niobrara River in Nebraska


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