Winners of 2017 Dan Swets Robotics Materials Awards
(left to right): Jackie Knox (Highmore
Harrold Junior High),
Tom Durkin (SD
Space Grant),
Kelly Hinds (Simmons
Middle School,
Aberdeen, SD), and Laurie Elmore (SDSU
Extension Harding County 4-H)
- Jackie Knox
Highmore Harrold Junior High
is a biology
teacher who saw the value of robotics in engaging student interest in STEM and
who began a robotics club at her school last year that competed in BEST Robotics
competition at SDSU. With 20 highly motivated students and only one robot last
year, she saw the need for additional robotics supplies to grow the program and
give each of her students more of a hands-on opportunity in 2017. Her $2,209
grant will help with that.
- Kelly Hinds
Simmons Middle School
Aberdeen, SD, teaches a PLTW (Project Lead The Way) Engineering Design and
Modeling course to her 6-8th graders. Kelly was provided a
$2,266 grant to purchase supplies that will help her add a PLTW Automation
and Robotics course to their school's 8th grade curriculum.
- Laurie
a 4-H Youth Program Advisor with SDSU Extension Harding County 4-H won a
$1,653 grant to purchase “Junk Drawer Robotics” supplies to start a new
robotics program in the Harding Co. area for middle and high school age