left to right: Lauren
of 4H Clay, Union, and Yankton Counties, Kathy Heinemann of Moody Co
4H Robotics Club, and
of Herreid School District
Hollenbeck, 4H
Program Advisor for Clay, Union, and Yankton Counties was awarded $3,296 to
upgrade their LEGO Mindstorm materials for approximately 200 youth that they
reach through 4H clubs, afterschool programs, and even some in-school
robotics programs that they are invited to attend.
Kathy Heinemann
was awarded $3,620 to purchase LEGO Mindstorm materials to expand their
Moody Co 4H Robotics Club, to offer additional beginner and advanced
robotics camps, to compete in the SD 4H Robotics & Engineering Challenge and
FIRST Lego League Challenge, and to collaborate with robotics programs at
the local Boys & Girls Club and Moody Co Area Schools.
Wayne Hanson received an award of $4,050 to help start a new robotics program at Herreid School District. They will add robotics curriculum (VEX robotics) to their Middle School Career & Tech Ed classes and their High School-level Computer Applications classes. They will also collaborate with nearby 4H programs.