Winner of 2014 Kelly Lane Earth & Space Science Grant
at the Annual Conference of South Dakota Science and Math Teachers
Huron Convention Center, Huron, SD - February 7, 2014
Pictured left to right:
Tom Durkin
(SD Space Grant Consortium), Kelly Lane, and
2014 grant winner
Steve Gabriel
(Spearfish High School,
Spearfish, SD.) Mr.
Gabriel's project involves environmental measurements of temperature; humidity;
pressure; and ventilation direction, velocity,
and volume collected by flow meters installed at the 4,850’ level of the Sanford
Underground Research Facility (SURF) in the former Homestake
Gold Mine in Lead, SD. This impressive project implements a network of
environmental sampling devises monitored in real-time by Mr. Gabriel’s
high school students, giving them a foothold in an active research environment
where universities, doctoral candidates, and national labs operate.
The project exposes the students to cutting edge research into dark matter and