Brenda Murphey of South Middle School in Rapid City received this $5,000 award for her project titled "The Energizer Buggy". After feeding their class pet lizard it’s crickets, the class started talking about energy foods and nutrition. Brenda told them that many people around the world eat crickets as a source of protein. She noticed right away that the students became extremely interested. They began asking How do you cook them? Who would eat crickets? I wouldn’t, would you? Mrs. Murphey, can we eat one of these crickets? What other bugs to people eat? Well, Brenda immediately picked up on their interest and decided to request funding under the Kelly Lane award to create a bug farm to have the students in her quarterly STEAM classes learn the science behind the bug world they are working with and gain insight into research. The project will annually reach 80 students in Brenda’s STEAM classes, but all 750 students at the school will be aware of the project and its opportunities.