Imaged by Richard Walker
(Dakota Starry Nights / YouTube), member of Black Hills Astronomical Society in Rapid City, SD - 2021


NGC 7822 is the northern most Emission Nebula in the night sky about 3,300 light years from Earth in the constellation Cepheus.  It contains one of the hottest stars in the galaxy that are within 1 thousand parsecs (3,261 Light Years). The star is an O5V star meaning it is a blue star with a surface temperature of roughly 45,000K and a luminosity of more than 100,000 times that of the Sun. 


Image Technical Details:

Ha 2hr 30minutes

SII 2hr 10 minutes

OIII 50 minutes  (Note the OIII channel was captured with a 25nm 1000 Oaks LP-2 filter stacked with a IR/UV cut filter)

Total integration 5 hrs 30 minutes


QHY268M / QHY CFW2 5-position 2″ filter wheel

Baader Ultra-Narrowband Filter-Set – CMOS-optimized

1000 Oaks LP2 (Blue Cell)

TS-Optics TSQ-80APO 80mm f/6.8 Quintuplet Apo with field flattener

Orion Atlas Pro AZ/EQ-G mount


EQ-MOD mount interface connected to a mini PC Windows 10

NINA acquisition and sequential software.

Windows 7 Laptop was use for a viewer.


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