South Dakota Space Day 2010
Pierre, SD
October 7, 2010(with additional activities at local schools during the week of Oct. 4th)
Held at Riggs High School - Pierre, SD
Organized by the South Dakota Discovery Center
Corporate sponsor: 3M
SCHEDULE for SD Space Day 2010.
SD Space Days is a popular annual event sponsored by the SD Space Grant Consortium, headquartered at SDSM&T. Students and teachers from throughout South Dakota are invited to participate in hands-on educational activities in science, math and technology and to visit with experts in aerospace, aeronautics, earth science, engineering, computer science, physics, etc. about their field. Guest speakers with nationally recognized credentials, such as NASA astronauts, scientists and managers present programs and meet with students. Numerous exhibits on earth science, space science and technology are provided. Students are exposed to the excitement and opportunities of various careers in science, math and technology and they become better aware of the impact that NASA has on their lives.
Question/comments about this website? If so, please contact SD Space Grant Consortium Website Editor Tom Durkin - (605) 394-1975.
(This web page last updated on May 19, 2010)