General Announcements & Today's GOALS
(Aug. 4, 2000 meeting)
1. Announcements
Year 2 NASA-EPSCoR Planning Grant Subcontracts for SDSU and Augustana have been signed
by all parties, so you should have spending approval
- NASA's plans for the EPSCoR-2000 competition is dependent on Congressional approval of
NASA's FY-01 budget that requests $10M for EPSCoR
2. Meeting Goals
- Review EPSCoR proposal and budget guidelines from latest draft (6/13/00) of NASA Program
- Select a "research proposal" strategy from the options
- Identify major research themes for the SD proposal and corresponding names & numbers
from NASA Research Compendium
- Refine plan to further develop necessary linkages to NASA Centers/Enterprises/Personnel
- Develop shared writing plan and time-table for various components of overall NASA-EPSCoR
- Select writing "Tiger Team" members and the local "Tail Twisters"
- Identify potential members for TAC
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EPSCoR Meeting" website