-----Original Message-----

From: Duke, Edward F.
Sent: Monday, March 13, 2000 4:34 PM
To: Durkin, Thomas V. (SDSMT)
Cc: Farwell, Sherry O.; Kozak, Patrick K.
Subject: NASA EPSCoR trip report


Thank you again for supporting Pat Kozak and me in our travel to the AVIRIS Workshop at the Jet Propulsion Lab. I believe our presentation was well received generally, and we had several specific contacts which may develop into important collaborations. Most significant among these were:

1. Dr. Gary Ernst, Stanford University -- collaboration on AVIRIS applications in eastern California for geological and biological mapping.

2. Dr. Roger Clark, USGS -- invitation to process AVIRIS data at his facility in Denver.

3. Dr. Bruce Wylie, EROS Data Center -- invitation to process our AVIRIS data at EDC and to assist EDC on Nebraska Sandhills AVIRIS processing.

Plans are in place to conduct field work on (1) in May, to visit (2) in April, and to pursue (3) via internet and/or with a visit to EDC this spring.

Closer to home and the focus of the NASA EPSCoR, we had valuable discussions with Lee Vierling and Suzette Burckhard regarding cooperation on prairie wetland research and possible studies of abandoned mine lands in Montana. We all learned a great deal about the state-of-the-art in remote sensing applications for ecosystem classification and analysis -- knowledge that will be important as we begin to apply similar approaches to South Dakota ecosystems.

The paper will be published as the following:

Duke, E.F., and Kozak, P.K., 2000, Imaging spectrometry and metamorphic processes: Proceedings of the Ninth AVIRIS Earth Science and Applications Workshop, February 23-25, 2000, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA.

An Adobe Acrobat pdf file of the paper is attached:  << File: avcon.pdf >>

Thanks for your continued support.


Ed Duke
Edward F. Duke
Department of Geology and Geological Engineering
     and Engineering and Mining Experiment Station (EMES)
South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
501 East Saint Joseph Street
Rapid City, South Dakota 57701-3995
voice: 605-394-2388
fax: 605-394-5360
Internet: Edward.Duke@sdsmt.edu

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