-----Original Message-----
From: Mary Oneill [mailto:mary_o'neill@sdstate.edu]
Sent: Monday, April 24, 2000 4:05 PM
To: 'Tom Durkin'
Subject: Trip to Stennis
Hi Tom -
Just received your e-mail about NASA EPSCoR travel. Michelle Kelly and I traveled to Stennis Space Center in late February and met with SSC personnel on the 22nd. ... Our main contacts there were Dr. Ramona Travis from the University Affairs office and John Wilson, Education Program Coordinator (InDyne, Inc.). We also visited with Sherrill Reynolds, Information Service Coordinator II, and Vessie Means, Aerospace Education Specialist. They are both with InDyne (contractor) and provided us with lots of material for K-12 classroom teachers. We were supposed to meet with CRSP (Commercial Remote Sensing Program) personnel, but they cancelled due to last-minute scheduling conflicts. We found out when we got there that they were seriously considering, for the future, a day or two devoted to EPSCoR visits because of the amount of time it was taking to accommodate everyone in individual visits. Dr. Travis spent quite a bit of time with us and explained the EPSCoR process from her point of view. She also reviewed the many programs and opportunities for minority institutions. Precision ag, wetlands and transportation issues were identified as the application areas in which Stennis would have the greatest interest for SD EPSCoR collaboration. John Wilson showed us a very interesting Power Point presentation on education and outreach activities at SSC. I have a copy of the PP if anyone is interested.
If you need more info, please let me know.
Thanks, Mary
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