Tom Campbell's Feb. 1-10 trip to AZ:
The purpose of the trip is twofold: 1) to represent SDSM&T's Museum of Geology at the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show and 2) visit the Vega-Bray Observatory in Benson.
Museum representation will consist of soliciting funding and specimens for the Museum, re-establish contacts with the mineralogy world on behalf of the Museum, and bring back research material from pegmatites in Afghanistan and Pakistan for a Nelson Grant that Mr. Campbell will be proposing. The latter may lead to future NSF funding concerning rare-element pegmatites in the region.
Mr. Campbell will visit the Vega-Bray Observatory to see how they have established themselves to perform outreach and astronomy research and see what experiential learning exercises they use. The importance here is so that he may better service students in South Dakota, better SDSM&T's offerings for Space Grant sponsored space camps. He will also perform research on the automated 20-inch maksutov-cassegrain telescope at the facility on February 7th and note the observatory setup for possible future needs at SDSM&T.
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