June 13, 2000 RDTN
9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. (Mountain Time)
(This page last revised on 6/12/00)
- Badlands Observatory, Inc. in Quinn
- Children's Science Center in Rapid City
- Kirby Science Discovery Center and NASA Educator Resource Center (ERC) in Sioux Falls
- Si Tanka College (previously affiliated, but recently formalized affiliation)
- NASA ERC at BHSU's Center for the Advancement of Math and Science Education in Spearfish
- University of South Dakota (invited, affiliation pending)
- Black Hills Astronomical Society (invited, affiliation pending)
- Status
- Schedule for proposal submission
- SDSU recipients and project(s)
- SDSM&T recipients and projects (Ed Duke, Maribeth Price, Lee Vierling)
RDTN Locations for this teleconference (tentative):
Rapid City - SDSM&T RDTN site (Classroom Building - Rm. 109)
Brookings - SDSU RDTN site (101 Pugsley Center, 8th & Medary - Studio 2, Rm. 205)
Sioux Falls - Southeast Technical Institute RDTN site (Mickelson Education Center, Rm. 205, 2301 Career Place)
Vermillion - USD RDTN site (Center for Continuing Ed., Rm. 118, 414 East Clark, Studio 1)
Eagle Butte - Si Tanka College PictureTel site
Rosebud - Sinte Gleska University PictureTel site
Kyle - Oglala Lakota College PictureTel site